👨🏫 Teaching Assistant
As a Teaching Assistant, I love helping students learn and grow, and I enjoy making learning fun and interesting. 🎉
For me, it is about inspiring students to be curious, confident, and comfortable in their learning journey. 🚀
My role involves providing support to students during lectures, grading assignments, holding office hours, and organizing learning materials 📑
Being a Teaching Assistant has not only allowed me to deepen my understanding of the material but also to contribute meaningfully to the academic success of my peers. 📚
Below are the courses I have been a Teaching Assistant for:
Grading homework? Check your Gradescope — you might just have full marks from me! 💯📝
💻 CS 3130 - Computer Systems and Organization IISpring 2025 Conduct weekly lab sessions on CPU design, memory hierarchy, and I/O systems. Hold office hours and staff meetings to support students and enhance the curriculum. |
📚 APMA 2501 - Programming with MATLAB & RFall 2024 & Spring 2025 Assisting students with MATLAB and R programming, focusing on basic concepts, calculus applications, and data analysis. Designing homework problems and configuring an autograder for both MATLAB and R. |
💻 CS 1110 - Intro to ProgrammingFall 2024 & Spring 2025 Supporting students with Python programming, lab exercises, and a final data analysis project. Focused on teaching core programming concepts and debugging techniques. Responding to Piazza questions and providing help with debugging code during one-on-one office hours. |
📚 APMA 3080 - Linear AlgebraFall 2024 Helping students with visualization and understanding of linear algebra concepts, focusing on problem-solving, debugging, and computational thinking through MATLAB Programming. Develop a MATLAB app for concept visualization and homework assistance, serving as a practical tool for lecture demonstrations and verifying solutions. |
📚 APMA 2130 - Ordinary Differential EquationsSpring 2024 Assisting students with solving first-order and second-order differential equations, systems of ODEs, and applying methods such as separation of variables, integrating factors, and Laplace transforms. Created review sheet solutions and provided one-on-one support to enhance student understanding of key ODE concepts and applications in real-world problems. |
📚 APMA 2120 - Multivariable CalculusFall 2023 & Spring 2024 Assisting students with multivariable calculus concepts, including vector calculus, partial derivatives, and multiple integrals, while guiding them through complex problem-solving. Develop a MATLAB app for concept visualization and homework assistance, serving as a practical tool for lecture demonstrations and verifying solutions. |
🌠 PHYS 1425 - Introductory Physics 1 for EngineersFall 2023 Assisting students with fundamental physics concepts, including kinematics, dynamics, energy conservation, rotational motion, fluids, waves, and thermodynamics, while helping with problem-solving and real-world applications. Facilitate discussions meetings and provide feedback through quiz grading and one-on-one student support. |